Saturday, December 12, 2020


 the follwing are the vowel sounds in the english language of a as in late ask ball hat what of e in mete met of i in find pit of o in note not move of u in truth but bush of y in chyle pity the vowels have a long and a short  or qulity and the different quallitites are represented by different letters thus
that the sounds of a in late e in are only a modification of the smae vowel may be easily understood by attending to the manner of forming the sounds for in both words the aperutre of the mounth and the configuration of the organs are the same this circumstance proves the mouth and the configuration of the organa are the same this cirumsatce proves the sameness of the sound or vowel in the two words though differinfin time  or quality a cononant is a letter which has no sound or an imperferct one without the help of the vowel the consonants which are entireluy silent inter

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