language in its more limited sense is the expression ideas by articulate sounds in more genaral sense the world denotes all sounds by which animals express their feelings in such manner to be understood by their own species artculate souds are those which are formed by the human voice in pronouncing letters syllubus and words and consitute the sopken language which is addressed to the ear letters are the marks of sounds and the frist elements of written language which is presented to the eye in perfect language every simple sound would be expressed by a distict character and no character would have more than one sound but language in praticular is in these respects extremely irregular the letters used in writing when arrnged in a certain customary order compose what is called the alphabet. the english alpabet consists of twenty six letters or single characterrs and for want of others ceratain simple sound are represenmnted by two united letters the letter or single characters ara represented by two united letters the letter or sin
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